If you’re of a certain age, you’ve probably heard how important it is to stay active and maintain your mobility. Mobility is defined as the ability to move freely and easily, and that includes everything from your balance to physical stamina. Basically, if you want to go somewhere or do something and your body can do so easily, you have good mobility. But as you age, mobility can decline, which is why it’s important to focus on it as soon as you can. After all, what you do today will pay off tomorrow!
Ahead, learn more about maintaining mobility no matter your age and simple ways to incorporate mobility strengthening exercises and practices into your day.


Warm up before you work out.
Take the extra five or ten minutes to really warm up your body before doing any type of workout, even a long walk. Marching in place, stretching, arm circles, or a few quick jumping jacks warms up your muscles and gets your blood flowing before you take off on your activity of choice. If you’re doing a strenuous workout, do a cool down after to help bring your breath and heart rate back to normal and stretch out any hardworking muscles.


Create a simple routine you can do each day.
The key to maintaining mobility is being active every single day. It doesn’t have to be a full workout! Even a few minutes of repeated stretches and motions can make a big difference. Your routine could include cat-cow stretches, arm circles, squats, and twists, done for a certain amount of time each day. The more you practice, the stronger you’ll be.


Simply stretch.
Flexibility is another key indicator of your mobility status. If you’re not able to comfortably touch your toes, it’s time to start practicing. Find a stretching instructor you like online and do their videos, sign up for a beginner yoga class, or revisit some of those old-school moves from gym class.


Keep your balance.
This is especially important for older people, whose center of gravity changes with time. Simple balancing exercises strengthen your core and help reduce the risk of slips and falls. Try high knees, single leg lifts, tree pose, and planks to tighten the core and ground yourself.


Lift weights.
The importance of strength training can’t be denied. It builds stronger muscle mass, burns calories, and helps with weight loss or gain, depending on your goals. Older people should continue lifting as they age. You may need lighter dumbbells than you did when you were 25, but that’s okay! Bodyweight exercises and practices like Pilates are also a great way to tone and build strength.


Stay active.
It sounds silly, but simply being active is hugely important for mobility. Aging often means things just don’t move like they used to, or what once felt great now leads to a stiff neck or tight, sore muscles. You may need to adjust your activities for joint comfort, like swapping running for swimming or jogging for cycling, but you can still make movement a priority no matter your age. Group activities like dance classes or mall walking mean you’re also getting more social time, which can help fight loneliness and create community.